Graceland's R14,000 Football Kit Donation
Graceland recently sponsored a home and away football kit with the value of R14 ooo to the Ithemba Lesizwe organization in Embalenhle. Ithemba Lesizwe is a non-profit organization (NPO) organization that helps young people fight drugs and substance abuse. Part of their activities is to get the youth involved in sport, with football a favourite amongst the youth who are participating in various tournaments over the weekends. Graceland visited the organisation to hand over the kits and wish them well in their next tournament.

Pictured Back, left to right: Themba Ndlovu (Ithemba Lesizwe NPO Chairperson), Richard Ndzukula (Ithemba Lesizwe NPO Secretary), Audrey Sibongile Sibiya (Ithemba Lesizwe NPO Treasurer)
Centre: Charlene Ludick, Graceland General Manager
Front left to right: Siphesihle Buthelezi and Omila Mtsebo