Career Dress Up Day 2017

Friday, Oct 27, 2017

On 27 October Graceland and the Southern Highveld Community Development Trust (SHCDT) hosted a Career Dress up Day where learners got to explore their future occupations and share their career dreams.

The SHCDT, sponsored by Graceland, hosted a competition final for the 22 primary schools from eMbalenhle, Bethal and Leqandra. One educator and 10 learners was invited from each school to attend on the day.
Each school nominated their top 3 learners to make a presentation on the day

Dress Up Day was aimed at the Grade 7 learners in primary school and is a wonderful way of encouraging young people to start thinking about their career earlier rather than later.

Learners were encouraged to research their career choice and write an essay demonstrating the importance of self-knowledge in career selection. They also explained different forms of activities in the working world and the key requirements for making a suitable career choice.

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