Graceland Supports Emdibini Combined School

Friday, May 18, 2018

Graceland has pledged to support a new project as a CSI initiative. They are assisting the Emdibini Combined School situated 2km outside Kinross and has 404 students. Students who attend the school are from the surrounding farms and Afghanistan informal settlement.

The school has 7 classrooms, a makeshift kitchen and a store room. Currently pipes are being laid to provide the school with water from a borehole. There is no sport facilities or playgrounds

Work has already commenced with the kitchen upgrade. Their current kitchen was from a store room with a leaking roof, no floor and shelves. Graceland is erecting a proper kitchen with a gas stoves, shelves, etc.

Recently Graceland visited the school and handed out hot chocolate and muffins to 400 children which was well received on this very cold morning.


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